Saturday, May 3, 2008


Hi everyone, we made it to Beijing on Friday afternoon around 2:30. It is 9:45 on Saturday night or 6:45 AM on Saturday Morning. I wanted to send you a few pictures of some of the touring. We will meet the girls on Monday.

We have a great group of brothers and sister in Christ that will be picking their children on Monday as well. Most of the families are picking up kids with special needs.

Their was a unexpected storm today that soaked all of us. It’s been rainy and cold. We hope it will be a bit warmer Sunday morning.

Enjoy the pictures below and we will keep you posted on our progress.

God bless,

Tim & Audrey Fate

Audrey & Evan at the forbidden City in Beijing.

Tim & Audrey at the Beijing Airport on Friday. Evan & Audrey at the new Beijing Airport.

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